Music Meditations
….to inspire a deeper communion with the Divine

Soul Calls One ~ Journey Within

Soul Calls One  ~  Journey Within

© 2017 Soul Calls Infinity All Rights Reserved

1. Om Shanti


Shanti: peace,
the first indicator of the Presence of God.

This invocation is a dedication to Divine Mother; calling on Her
and affirming Her peaceful presence as the holy vibration of Om.


Shanti Shanti Shanti

2. Safe In Thee


When the world loses it’s luster and no longer satisfies, and the soul is weary of it’s exile in Maya; when the search for happiness has not produced lasting results, the soul begins to awaken from it’s spiritual amnesia and longs for emancipation into the Light and Love and secure, unending Peace and Joy of God.

At this point of discontent within, the soul in some dim, intuitive understanding perceives it’s true nature as being a part of God. Thus begins the conscious effort to embark on the journey within.


When skies are gray
And sorrow’s neigh

Men gone astray
And so have I

How I long to be
Home at last
Safe in Thee

3. Silent Beloved


The records of all great religions and the testimony of their saints and sages tell of God speaking directly with them. The soul becomes desirous of this God-contact and asks for help that the walls of ego encasement and the gulfs of the habits of God-forgetfulness be dissolved.

The devotee affirms that with all sincerity and without end, the desire for contact with the Divine Beloved ~ God ~ will be the constant soul call.


Let every wall fall, let every gulf dry
Oh, my Silent Beloved, speak to me

From the depths of my soul
From the core of my being
I will whisper unceasingly, speak to me

I need You to speak to me, Lord
I’m calling You now, I’m loving You now

I need You to come now, Lord
There’s no other one now, Lord

Come tell me You love me, speak to me
Come tell me I’m never alone
Come tell me that I am Your own
Oh, my Silent Beloved, speak to me

4. Hasten Thou The Day


         Feeling the pangs of separation, the devotee appeals to God as the Divine Mother, and entreats Her to come soon and show Herself and to assure the devotee of Her ever-present protection.


Hasten Thou the day
When I will see Your face

Hasten Thou the day, oh Mother, please
Come to me; come and set me free

Take my hand and never let it go;
I need to know

That You’ll take my hand and never let it go
Hasten Thou the day

5. Surely You Must Know


With growing angst, the devotee reasons with Divine Mother and explains the depth and breadth of the love and need the soul has for Her.

The love of the soul for God is reflected in the essence of all need and love and longing in creation. Since She created everything with this need for Her, surely She must know how deep is the need for Her Coming and that nothing else can satisfy the awakening soul.


Every blade of grass knows how I love You
Won’t You come now? Surely You must know

Every blade of grass knows how I love You
Thirstily waiting for Thy Coming
Then Thy rains of mercy come and give us shelter.

Every artist’s heart knows how I love You
Trustingly waiting for Thy Coming
Then Your inspiration fills us to overflowing.

Thirsting, trusting, waiting for Thy Coming.
Oh Mother, how I love You so!
Won’t You come now? Surely You must know
How deep is my need for Thy Coming.

Every restless wind knows how I love You
Looking and searching for Thy Coming
Then Your calmness comes and gives us rest.

Every lonely heart knows how I love You
Longing and aching for Thy Coming
Then Your friendship comes and gives us peace.

Searching, longing, aching for Thy Coming
Oh Mother, how I love You so!
Won’t You come now? Surely You must know
None but You can satisfy my soul.

Every forgotten child knows how I love You
Hurting and crying for Thy Coming
Just Your warm embrace gives us all we need.

Won’t You come now?
Oh, come, oh Mother please.
How deep is my need for Thy Coming.
Won’t You come now? Surely You must know.

6. Rock Me Awake


With the pleading of a child, the devotee calls to the Mother Divine to take the soul upon Her lap of omnipresent love and comfort it with enlightenment.


Oh Mother now the time has come for You to
Rock me, rock me awake.
Take me in Your arms and hold me closely
Rock me awake.
There is where I want to be; with Thee
Rock me, rock me awake.
Take me on Your lap and tell me that You love me
Hold me, rock me awake.
Sing a sweet sweet song, Oh, Mother hold me,
Love me, rock me awake.

Hold me closely now oh Mother love me, hold me,
Rock me, rock me awake.

7. Be Still My Child


Divine Mother answers the soul calls of Her devotee. Giving assurances of Her waiting, loving, protecting presence within, the Mother speaks to the devotee, and tells Her soul-child to seek Her in the stillness within through silent meditation and by loving thoughts of Her.


Be still My child, be still My child, be still and hear me sing
This song of love, this lullaby, to you my child I bring.

Be still, My child; be still sit quietly,
In silence now I come to thee; in silence come thou to Me.

Be still, My child; be still and think of Me
And with the thought by your love brought,
I’ll embrace you tenderly.

Be still, My child; be still and you will see
In secret now, I come to thee, In secret, come thou to Me.

I’m here My child, don’t fear My child, I’m here inside with you,
I’m holding you, I’m loving you; come thou hold and love Me too.

I’m here My child, don’t fear My child, I’m here inside with you.
Come here My child, don’t fear My child, I’m here My child.
Be still, My child. . . .

8. Fly! Fly! Fly!


The soul now speaks to itself with a new-found confidence, upliftment, and inspiration born of meditation and attunement. The journey within has changed the devotee’s life; glimmers of realization and spiritual experience prove to the devotee that to be Home at last, safe in the Divine Beloved, is the reachable goal and birthright of each soul.


Fly into the arms of Mother
Fly! Fly! Fly!

Fly so high, fly so wide
Into Her arms, no more to cry
Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!

Fly so still, fly so deep
Into Her heart, no more to weep
Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!

Fly so sure, fly so strong
Into Her arms, where you belong
Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!

Fly so far, fly so fast
Into Her arms, you’re Home at last
Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!
Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!

Fly! Fly! Fly!


Music & Lyrics:

Vocals & Arrangements:

Recording Engineer:
Ranjit Prasad

Electric Violin:
Deb Sankar Roy

Sitar & Sur Mandol:
Rahul Chatterjee

Sakti Nag
+91 9830173704

Subhranil Bose

Prodip Ghosh

Recorded & Mixed at:
Prasad Studios, Kolkata

CD Graphics:
Rahul Saha

Website Design & Development:
Siddhesh Shinde

Album Cover Art Adaptation of M78:
Daniel Verschatse, Antilhue Observatory

Keeper of the Heart:  Lji

All Soul Calls Music, Commentaries, and Lyrics are copyright protected. ©2005 All Rights Reserved.