Soul Calls Two ~ In Thy Light
© All Rights Reserved
5. You Are The Center Of My Life
Anchored in the Divine, the devotee’s life revolves around and is focused on the Divine Beloved. Recognizing that “… in God do I live, move, and have my being,” loving God is the only desire of the devotee’s heart; the only lasting value, the one Divine Goal.
You are the center of my life.
You are my Refuge, You are my Light,
You are my Polestar each day and night.
You are the center of my life.
I will reason with Your wisdom,
I will act with Your joy.
You are the center of my life.
I will follow where You lead me
Hand in hand faithfully.
You are the center of my life.
You are my Refuge, You are my Light,
You are my Polestar each day and night.
You are the center of my life.
I will rest in Your Presence.
I will touch Your holy feet.
You are the center of my life.
I will drink so deeply
From the fountain of Your bliss.
You are the center of my life.
You are my Refuge, You are my Light,
You are my Polestar each day and night.
You are the center of my life.
There is nothing left to do Lord,
But to love You constantly.
You are the center of my life.
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